18upchoti or 18upchoti.com is a community forum website. Which means our website contains user generated contents that can include text and media files uploaded by the user. While we do our part complying with DMCA and similiar copyright laws in the respective country or countries, we can not assure the same for our users. Despite of our monitoring and moderation if something (text, images, audio, and other media formats) includes anything that violets your copyright, please let us know. We will remove and disable access to the copyrighted material and take appropriate actions against the user who violate our terms.
You can contact us via the following contact method listed below to send us or notify us about your DMCA or Copyright infringement report.
1. Use our website contact us form located at our website footer or bottom section.
2. Send direct us an email at itcforumsmail{(at)}gmail.com, please replace {(at)} with @ before sending us mail.
3. Login or Register at our website and use the "report" option which can be found below every posts of our website. (This is recommended over other options because we can react to your report faster than the above two options.)
Please note: We may take atleast 24 hours to 48 hours maximum for DMCA takedown reports via email. As e-mail is slow and sometimes it doesn't reach inbox. We highly recommend you to use our on-site report function.