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Hello readers, my name is Rohit, and I want to introduce you to my sexy Mom, Sujata. She is 40 years old and always horny. She loves sex a lot and mostly gets humiliated in sex. I used to look at her sexy body at home and masturbate many times.
I am lucky to watch my Mom washing clothes every...
Hello readers, I am Rohit. This is an exciting fictional story of a woman named Emy, who is 36 years old. She has a son named Jake and a husband named John, who is away most of the time due to work. Emy has a lot of money and lives a posh life in a luxury condo gifted to her by her husband. Her...
Part 1
Hi everyone, this is a real ongoing experience that I had with my mother. In this part, I shall be telling about how our incest started.
My name is Jazz (nickname). At that time, I was 20 years old. I am 5’11 feet tall with an athletic build, good lean muscles, and a six-inch dick with...
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दोस्तो, मेरा नाम अभिषेक है और मैं 19 साल का हूँ.
मैं अमृतसर से हूँ और अभी एक इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज में पढ़ रहा हूँ.
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हैलो दोस्तों मै इरफान आपके लिए एक लेकर आया हूं ये है कैसे एक बेटे ने अपनी अम्मी को चोदा और उसको मां बनने को कहा चलिए शुरू करते है मां बेटे की सेक्स स्टोरी
अम्मी करीब 45-46 साल की होगी हाइट 5 फ़ीट 6 इंच रंग दूध जैसा गोरा पतली कमर और बड़ी गांड जो बाहर को निकली हुई है अम्मी के चूतड़ बहुत बड़े है और...